5 Ways Google Has Tickled My Nerves
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5 Ways Google Has Tickled My Nerves
Don't get me wrong, Google has changed the game when it comes to technology. But there are a few things that they've done that have really grinded my gears.
1. Stadia - The Ultimate Tease
First, they introduced Stadia, a cloud gaming service that promised to revolutionize gaming. But just as I was getting excited, they announced that they were getting rid of it. Thanks for getting my hopes up, Google.
2. Google Play Music - R.I.P. My Playlists
Next, they discontinued Google Play Music, a music streaming service that I loved. I spent hours curating playlists that were unique to me, only for them to disappear when they merged with YouTube Music. Thanks for nothing, Google.
3. YouTube Music - The Search is Overwhelming
And speaking of YouTube Music, combining it with regular YouTube has made my music searches a nightmare. Why does every search have to come up with music videos, covers, and live performances? It's like Google wants to make it as difficult as possible to find what I'm looking for.
4. Trapped in the Google Ecosystem
Let's face it, once you start using Google's products, it's hard to get out. They've got you hooked on their ecosystem, and there's no escape. I can't even switch to a different email provider without feeling like I'm abandoning my firstborn child.
5. The Power of Knowledge, All the Time
Finally, Google has given me the power of knowledge at my fingertips, all the time. But sometimes, I just want to enjoy the bliss of ignorance. Is it really necessary for me to know the lyrics to every song ever written, or the answer to every trivial question?
So there you have it, folks. Some of the ways Google has driven me crazy. But let's be real, I'll probably still be using their products tomorrow.
Want to see the flip side? Check out my last post about how great Google is.
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