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Typing fast and blogging again
December 05, 2024 | ZippDroid
2024's been a crazy year and I haven't written a single blog post! See what's been going on and what the plan is in a quick post.
2024's been a crazy year and I haven't written a single blog post! See what's been going on and what the plan is in a quick post.
Programmed to Program
About two months ago, GPT and I wrote a post committing to this blog to start writing more. Since then, I have updated Zippdroid to Livewire 3, launc...
Hello Google (and Pixel Superfans)
My journey as a Pixel Superfan has been nothing short of transformative. From the early days in 2008 of fumbling with that G-1 keyboard, to this very...
Well, I Guess I Have a Blog Now
As I continue this journey with ZippDroid, I'm excited about the future. There are countless possibilities, from exploring AI-driven content creation...
The Power of a Consulting Website for Freelancers in the Tech Industry
If you're a software engineer, developer, or web designer, you know how important it is to have a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and expe...
Streamline Your Workflow with the Elgato Stream Deck: A Review
The Stream Deck is a small device with 15 LCD keys that can be programmed to perform a variety of actions. From opening websites and applications, to...
Getting started with your version of this blog or website
Welcome to ZippDroid! If you're reading this, you're probably considering starting your own blog or website. For those of you lucky enough to be using...
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